Order Status

Name Description
Pending Order is in a modifiable state ready for use
Submitted Order has been submitted for final processing, products are being fulfilled and payments are being settled
Fulfilled Order has completed processing and is ready for delivery to customer
Cancelled Order has been deleted and is no longer active
Error An error occured in the processing of this order, one of more products or payment should also have an errored status
Abandoned The order has passed its expiration date
RefundInProgress A refund for one or more products has been initiated but has not fully processed
PartiallyRefunded One of more products have been refunded on the order
Refunded All product have been refunded on the order

Product Status

Name Description
Pending Product requires addition information
Held Product has been removed from inventory, and will be locked until the expiration date of the order
Submitted Product has been submitted to fulfillment
Fulfilled Product has been paid and processed and is ready for delivery to customer
Cancelled Product has been deleted and is no longer active
Error An error occured in the processing of this product
Abandoned A previously pending or held product was abandonded after the order expired, and is now availabel for a new order
Refunded A refund has been applied to the product
RefundedSelfService A self service refund has been applied to the product
ErrorSelfServiceRefunding An error occurred during Self Service product Refund
FailedSelfServiceRefunding An error occurred during Self Service product Refund, retries failed
ManuallyResolvedSelfServiceRefund The refund was manually resolved

Payment Status

Name Description
Authorized The payment processor has authorized payment, but no funds have exchanged
Submitted Payment has been submitted to settlement
Settled funds have been exchanged, and the payment is complete
Cancelled Payment has been deleted and is no longer active
Error An error occured processing this payment
Abandoned A previously authorized payment was never submitted for settlment and was eventually cancelled
Refunded A refund has been applied to this payment
RefundedSelfService A self service refund has been applied to this payment
ErrorSelfServiceRefunding An error occurred during Self Service payment Refund
FailedSelfServiceRefunding An error occurred during Self Service payment Refund, retries failed
ManuallyResolvedSelfServiceRefund The refund was manually resolved