In this guide we will run through a basic process for finding a generic Private Theatre Rental (or PTR for short) showtime at a theatre and creating an order for that generic PTR.
Generic PTRs differ from movie specific PTRs in that they have a movieName value of just "Private Theatre Rental" rather than a movieName indicating a specific movie.
Generic PTRs also feature attributes with the codes: 'PRVTRENTAL', 'PRVTRNTALL' and 'SELCTMOVIE' which can be leveraged for PTR specific process flows.
Request showtimes for a theatre and date.
Note that showtime ticket prices are not final and are for display only.
Note the maximumIntendedAttendance on the showtime as you are required to specify intendendAttendance to purchase a PTR.
GET /v2/theatres/610/showtimes/1-22-20225?page-size=200
{ "pageSize": 200, "pageNumber": 1, "count": 84, "lastUpdatedDateUtc": "2025-01-14T21:21:14Z", "_links": { "self": { "href": "", "templated": false } }, "_embedded": { "showtimes": [ { "id": 128514081, "internalReleaseNumber": 97551, "performanceNumber": 26155, "movieId": 65421, "movieName": "Private Theatre Rental", "sortableMovieName": "Private Theatre Rental", "showDateTimeUtc": "2025-01-22T19:30:00Z", "showDateTimeLocal": "2025-01-22T13:30:00", "sellUntilDateTimeUtc": "2025-01-22T00:00:00Z", "isSoldOut": false, "isAlmostSoldOut": false, "isCanceled": false, "utcOffset": "-06:00", "theatreId": 610, "auditorium": 21, "layoutId": 0, "layoutVersionNumber": 1, "runTime": 0, "premiumFormat": "Private Theatre Rentals", "purchaseUrl": "", "mobilePurchaseUrl": "", "movieUrl": "", "wwmReleaseNumber": 0, "lastUpdatedDateUtc": "2025-01-07T16:22:40Z", "isDiscountMatineePriced": false, "maximumIntendedAttendance": 40, "estimatedFees": [ { "cost": 7.49, "tax": 0, "name": "convenience", "quantity": 1 } ], "attributes": [ { "code": "LASERATAMC", "name": "Laser at AMC", "description": "Featuring brilliant brightness, unbelievable color, and dynamic contrast—combined with eco-minded, energy-efficient Barco projector technology—LASER at AMC is the new visual standard in premium cinema projection." }, { "code": "NOALIST", "name": "Excluded from A-List", "description": "Excluded from A-List Benefits" }, { "code": "PRVTRENTAL", "name": "Private Theatre Rentals - Generic title only", "description": "Rent an AMC auditorium, choose from our movie selection and host a private screening." }, { "code": "PRVTRNTALL", "name": "Private Theatre Rentals", "description": "Rent an AMC auditorium, choose from our movie selection and host a screening." }, { "code": "SELCTMOVIE", "name": "Choose from Our Available Movie Selection", "description": "Choose from our selection of movies, including new releases and fan faves." } ], "ticketPrices": [ { "price": 349.23, "type": "ADULT", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "tax": 30.23, "priceCode": "9x", "posType": "AD PVT" }, { "price": 283.54, "type": "CHILD", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-CHILD", "agePolicy": "Age 2-12", "tax": 24.54, "priceCode": "9B", "posType": "CH PVT" } ], "media": { "heroDesktopDynamic": "", "heroMobileDynamic": "", "posterDynamic": "", "posterAlternateDynamic": "", "poster3DDynamic": "", "posterIMAXDynamic": "", "trailerTeaserDynamic": "", "trailerAlternateDynamic": "", "posterDynamic180X74": ",h_74,c_fill,g_auto,q_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy/v1662582267/amc-cdn/production/2/movies/65400/65421/PosterDynamic/142636.jpg" }, "languages": {}, "_links": { "self": { "href": "", "templated": false }, "": { "href": "", "templated": false }, "": { "href": "", "templated": false }, "": { "href": "", "templated": false }, "": { "href": "{order-Id}/showtimes/128514081/concession-delivery-times", "templated": true } } }, ] } }
Request private theatre rental movies for a showtime ID.
Note that available movie prices are not final and are for display only.
Note that the availableMovie sku and internalReleaseNumber will be used to order the PTR product.
GET /v2/showtimes/128514081/private-theatre-rental-movies
{ "availableMovies": [ { "movieId": 67813, "movieName": "Wolf Man", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "price": 349.23, "tax": 30.23, "internalReleaseNumber": 113443, "_links": { "": { "href": "", "templated": false } } }, { "movieId": 67813, "movieName": "Wolf Man (On-screen Subtitles)", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "price": 349.23, "tax": 30.23, "internalReleaseNumber": 118945, "_links": { "": { "href": "", "templated": false } } }, { "movieId": 67813, "movieName": "Wolf Man (Subtitled: Spanish)", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "price": 349.23, "tax": 30.23, "internalReleaseNumber": 118946, "_links": { "": { "href": "", "templated": false } } }, { "movieId": 78263, "movieName": "One of Them Days", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "price": 349.23, "tax": 30.23, "internalReleaseNumber": 118456, "_links": { "": { "href": "", "templated": false } } }, { "movieId": 67470, "movieName": "Mufasa: The Lion King", "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "price": 349.23, "tax": 30.23, "internalReleaseNumber": 113049, "_links": { "": { "href": "", "templated": false } } } ], "_links": { "self": { "href": "", "templated": false } } }
Request creation of an order featuring the generic PTR and movie.
Note the Order ID in Location header value in the response as you will use this ID to work with the created order.
POST /v3/orders
{ "email": "[email protected]", "products": [ { "sku": "TICKET-GA-128514081-ADULT", "privateRentalInternalReleaseNumber": 113443, "intendedAttendance":1 } ] }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: