Embargoed Showtimes


The Embargoed showtimes endpoints allow retrieval of AMC Theatres showtime information where future dated online tickets are available for purchase.


Verb Endpoint Description
GET /v2/theatres/{theatre-number}/showtimes/{date}/views/embargoed Returns all embargoed showtimes for the specified Theatre and Date and meeting additional search criteria provided.

Embargoed Showtimes Properties

Name Description
pageSize The number of results included for each page, up to a maximum of 100. Defaults to 10.
pageNumber The page number returned.
count The total number of results available across all pages.
lastUpdatedDateUtc The date time UTC of when any showtime in the result set was last updated.
_embedded.Showtimes A list of Showtime Representations returned.

Embargoed Showtimes Links

Relation Description Verbs Templated
self The current list of showtimes results. GET No
previous The previous page of showtimes results. GET No
next The next page of showtimes results. GET No


Showtime Properties

Name Description
id The showtime id.
performanceNumber The Radiant performance number.
movieId The movie id.
movieName The movie title.
genre The primary genre of the movie.
movieUrl The movie website URL.
sortableMovieName The movie's sortable title name.
showDateTimeUtc The show date/time in UTC (ISO-8601)
showDateTimeLocal The show date/time in the theatre's local timezone.
sellUntilDateTimeUtc The date time UTC of when the showtime should stop being sold.
auditorium The auditorium id where the showing is taking place.
layoutId The auditorium layout being used for the this showtime.
layoutVersionNumber The auditorium layout version number. This is incremented whenever an auditorium layout is modified.
isSoldOut Indicates if tickets are sold out.
isAlmostSoldOut Indicates if tickets are almost sold out based on an AMC predefined threshold.
isCanceled Indicates if the showing has been canceled.
utcOffset The UTC offset of the showtime.
purchaseUrl The website url where tickets may be purchased from AMC Theatres.
mobilePurchaseUrl The mobile website url where tickets may be purchased from AMC Theatres.
runTime The duration of the showing in minutes.
mpaaRating The MPAA's (Motion Picture Association of America's) official movie rating.
permiumFormat The premium format of the showtime.
ticketPrices The showings ticket prices.
lastUpdatedDateUtc The date time UTC of when the showtime was last updated.
media.heroDesktopDynamic Url location of hero Desktop.
media.heroMobileDynamic Url location of hero Mobile.
media.posterDynamic Url location of the Movie Poster.
media.posterDynamic120x74 Url location of the Movie Poster sized 120x74.
media.posterAlternateDynamic Url location of the Movie poster alternate.
media.poster3DDynamic Url location of the Movie 3D poster.
media.posterIMAXDynamic Url location of the IMAX poster.
media.trailerTeaserDynamic Url location of the trailer teaser.
media.trailerAlternateDynamic Url location of the alternate trailer.
isEmbargoed Nullable flag indicating if this showtime is embargoed. If false or null, showtime is not embargoed.
isComingSoon Nullable flag indicating if this showtime is coming soon (will be available for display soon). If false or null, showtime is not coming soon.
isDiscountMatineePriced Indicates whether this showtime is available at a discounted matinee price.
discountMatineeMessage If a showtime is available at discounted matinee price, display message for PLF and Non PLF showtimes.
visibilityDateTimeUtc A UTC DateTime indicating when an embargoed showtime will become displayable, and no longer be embargoed.
attributes A list of showtime attributes.
estimatedFees Estimated fees per ticket where pre-purchase display is required by law.
estimatedFees.cost The estimated fee amount excluding tax.
estimatedFees.tax The estimated fee tax amount.
estimatedFees.name The estimated fee type name.
estimatedFees.name The estimated fee quantity.
_embedded.TicketPrices A list of TicketPrice Representations returned.

Showtime Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current showtime representation. GET No
https://api.amctheatres.com/rels/v2/movie The movie being shown. GET No
https://api.amctheatres.com/rels/v2/theatre The theatre where the showing occurs. GET No
https://api.amctheatres.com/rels/v2/seating-layout The auditorium's seating layout (if showing is reserved seating). GET No
https://api.amctheatres.com/rels/v2/showtimes/private-theatre-rental-movies The available movies for the current showtime if it is a private theatre rental. GET No

Ticket Price

Ticket Price Properties

Name Description
price A decimal value representing the price of the ticket in USD. The value is not final and is for display only
type The ticket type, adult, child, or senior
sku The SKU value used to assemble the product for an order
agePolicy The age based policy regarding sale of the particular ticket type
tax A decimal value representing the tax on the ticket price in USD. The value is not final and is for display only.


Attribute Properties

Name Description
name The display name
description The attribute description.
code The unique identifier for queries.


Get theatre embargoed showtimes for a movie
GET  v2/theatres/610/showtimes/9-21-2017/views/embargoed


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            "description": "Some types of passes may be restricted for Special Engagements or New Releases and thus subject to a surcharge. Be sure to read the back of your pass for more details."
            "code": "RESERVEDSEATING",
            "name": "Reserved Seating",
            "description": "Select your seat when you buy your tickets online, on our mobile app or at the theatre."
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            "description": "Select your seat when you buy your tickets online, on our mobile app or at the theatre."
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