

Concessions available at a theatre.


Verb Endpoint Description
GET /v1/theatres/{theatre-id}/concessions Get all Concessions for a Theatre.
GET /v1/concessions/{theatre-product-assignment-id} Get Concession by Theatre Product Assignment Id.
GET /v1/theatres/{theatre-id}/concessions/{concession-id} Get Concession by Theatre and Concession Id.

Concessions Query Parameters

  • You may optionally supply a category query string parameter to find concessions in the specified category.
  • You may optionally supply a group query string parameter to find concessions in the specified group.
  • You may optionally supply a page-number query string parameter to specify which page of results to retrieve.
    • If one isn't provided the results will begin with the first page (a value of 1 will be used).
  • You may optionally supply a page-size query string parameter to specify the number of results per page.
    • If one isn't provided a default of 10 will be used.

Concessions Properties

Name Description
pageSize The number of results included for each page, up to a maximum of 100. Defaults to 10.
pageNumber The page number returned.
count The total number of results available across all pages.
_embedded.Concessions A list of Concession Representations returned.

Concessions Links

Relation Description Verbs Templated
self The current list of Concessions results. GET No
previous The previous page of Concessions results. GET No
next The next page of Concessions results. GET No


Concession Properties

Name Description
name Concession name.
displayName Web displayable concession name.
description Description of the concession product.
nutritionalInfo Nutritional info.
size Size.
price Price inclusive of tax. The value is not final and is for display only.
estimatedPriceWithFees Price inclusive of tax and fees. The value is not final and is for display only.
tax Tax. The value is not final and is for display only.
sku SKU.
prepTime Prep time in minutes.
theatreId The theatre id.
concessionId The concession id.
disabledThruDate The date the concession is disabled thru.
media.imageSmall Small concession image.
media.imageLarge Large concession image.
discounts List of potentially applicable discounts.
  • id: the discount's unique id.
  • amount: the discount amount.
  • type: the discount type (ex. Upgrade or a traditional Discount).
  • referenceProductId: a seperate product id referenced by the discount (ex. the product id of the product being Upgraded).
groups List of groups.
  • name: the concessions group name.
  • media.imageSmall: small concessions group image.
  • media.imageLarge: large concessions group image.
_embedded.Categories List of categories.
_embedded.ModifierGroups A list of required and optional product modifier group representations, if any.
_embedded.ComboComponents A list of product combo component product representations if the product type is combo.
_embedded.UpsellGroup The product upsell group representation associated with this concessions product.

Concession Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current concession. GET No The concession's associated media (video, images, etc.) GET Yes The concession's theatre GET No


Category Properties

Name Description
name Category name.
level Category hierarchy level.
sortOrder Category sort order within level.
productSortOrder Product sort order within the lowest level category.
media.imageSmall Small concessions category image.
media.imageLarge Large concessions category image.
categoryId The Category Id.

Category Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current concession category. GET No All concessions belonging to the category. GET Yes The concession category's associated media (video, images, etc.) GET Yes

Modifier Group

Modifier Group Properties

Name Description
id Modifier group id.
groupName Modifier group name.
required Required modifier indicator
  • true
  • false
minimumQuantity The minimum number of times modifiers within the group can be applied.
maximumQuantity The maximum number of times modifiers within the group can be applied.
sortOrder The ascending order that the modifier group should be displayed by.
_embedded.Modifiers A list of product modifier representations.

Modifier Group Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current modifier concessions group. GET No All modifier concessions belonging to the group. GET Yes


Modifier Properties

Name Description
concessionId Concession Id of the combo component.
name Modifier concession name.
displayName Web displayable modifier concession name.
sku SKU.
price Price inclusive of tax. The value is not final and is for display only.
tax Tax. The value is not final and is for display only.

Modifier Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current modifier concession. GET No

Combo Component

Combo Component Properties

Name Description
concessionId Concession Id of the combo component.
name Combo component name.
type Combo component type
  • Concession
  • Group
quantity Combo component quantity.
sortOrder Combo component display sort order.
_embedded.GroupComboComponents If combo component type is "Group", a list of all combo component concessions in the group.

Combo Component Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self If combo component type is "Concession", the current combo component concession. If combo component type is "Group", the current combo component concessions group. GET No If combo component type is "Group", all combo component concessions belonging to the group. GET Yes

Group Combo Component

Group Combo Component Properties

Name Description
concessionId Concession Id of the combo component.
name Combo component name.
sku SKU.

Group Combo Component Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current combo component concession. GET No

Upsell Group

Upsell Group Properties

Name Description
name Upsell group name.
_embedded.UpsellConcessions All upsell concessions belonging to the group.

Upsell Group Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current upsell concessions group. GET No All upsell concessions belonging to the group. GET Yes

Upsell Concession

Upsell Concession Properties

Name Description
name upsell concession name.
sku SKU.
price Price inclusive of tax. The value is not final and is for display only.
tax Tax. The value is not final and is for display only.
concessionId The upsell concession id.

Upsell Concession Links

Relation Description Methods Templated
self The current upsell concession. GET No


Get Concessions.


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